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Useful Links

Useful Links



Selected Loyalist Genealogical Resources


Online Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

The most comprehensive single website for Loyalist history. Though not primarily a genealogical site, it does contain information on important figures and muster rolls. It also has chat rooms and links to loyalist message boards. Please check this source.


The Olive Tree Genealogy - Index to Loyalists

Like the Online Institute above, this is a "must see''. This includes links to regimental histories, loyalists in the various provinces, and researchers of specific loyalists.

Family Search Internet Genealogy Service

​The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is now providing family history information on the web. The information in the Ancestral Files has been sent to the LDS by various amateur researchers, and cannot be taken at face value without corroboration. However, together with the Pedigree Resources File and the International Genealogical Index, it is now searchable and represents the largest available one-stop database of free genealogical information on the web.


Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet - Loyalists

​The most comprehensive source of genealogical links on the internet. If you don't look here first when you want to find a genealogy-related site on the internet, you are needlessly making work for yourself.


​Other Examples of Web-Based Genealogical Resources


Butler's Rangers

​An extremely informative site dedicated to the history of the ten companies of Butler's Rangers. If you know where your ancestor served, a regimental history can be very helpful.


Loyalists-in-canada (a listserv)
This is an email 'list' for the discussion of Loyalist ancestors. To subscribe to the list send an email message to: with NO subject line and ONLY the words: subscribe loyalists-in-canada as the text of the message. Do not sign or use a signature file. The listserv software will retrieve your mailing address automatically. Once you have subscribed, the listserv will send you further instructions. It is preferable to subscribe first before posting your queries or replies to loyalists-in-canada.


Roots Surname List

There are almost one million searchable records in this most useful database. There are others of this type on the web (see Cyndi's list above).



A most important resource for loyalist researchers is the branch genealogist, accessible through branch membership within each branch of the Dominion Association. These knowledgeable people are there to assist you with your specific research. In doing so, they can not only suggest sources and provide information but also, in vetting your application, can show you HOW to research your proofs.

​In addition to branch genealogists, please remember that there are freelance professional genealogists out there for most areas. These experts will charge for their work. Many have websites. Also bear in mind that the web is not the 'end all'. Libraries, genealogical societies, historical societies, archives and government publications may well have clues or information on your ancestor that has not yet been entered into cyberspace.


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