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Tribute to Lynn Francis

The following tribute to Lynn Francis was presented along with a plaque. Thank you for your hard work, Lynn!

The purpose of our gathering today is to honour one of the stalwart and dedicated members of the Manitoba Branch of our United Empire Loyalists’ Association. And that is you, Lynn. You have been a mainstay of our branch through the years and our members are grateful for your loyalty and all you have done for the association.

As I reflect on your contribution, what strikes me most is that you have embodied the gift of showing up, something that is necessary in any organization if it is to thrive and move forward. You have always been there, be it at branch meetings, the Lt. Governor’s New Year’s levee, church parades, and social events. Just about every picture I’ve seen of the gathered members of the branch includes you. Also, I have been told that, for many years you and your husband, Jim, hosted the annual branch picnic at your property south of the perimeter.

At the time I became a member you were the branch phoner. For every single meeting I would get a call from you reminding me of the date and time. In those days I was extremely busy and Saturday was a work day and I felt I just couldn’t get there. But you persisted. The call would be made, and you would start with the words, “I don’t suppose you will be able to come, but…” At some point I began to think, "I just can’t let Lynn down again. I’ve got to start making it to these meetings." And I began attending. And now I’m president. Lynn you had a big part in that. When one person shows up with the regularity you have, it encourages others to do the same.

We wanted to give you some tangible sign of our gratitude for your dedication and service and so we have had a plaque made for you. It reads, “For Lynn Francis UE ... in Appreciation for her Dedication to the Work of the Manitoba Branch … United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada.” I am glad to present it to you now with our sincere thanks and our best wishes.



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