At the November 25, 2017 meeting of the UELAC Manitoba Branch the following people were installed as executive officers:
President — Robert Campbell Vice-President — Wendy Hart Treasurer — Dianne Nerbas Secretary — Mary Steinhoff Genealogist — Alice Walchuk

Alice, Dianne, Wendy, Robert, Mary and Peter Rogers
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, Dec. 16, 2017 @ Noon — 85th Anniversary Lunch @ St. Charles Club
Monday, Jan. 1, 2018 @ 2:00 p.m. — Lieutenant Governor’s Levee @ the Manitoba Legislature
Saturday, March 24 @ 10:30 a.m. — General Meeting of the Manitoba Branch. Location to be announced at a later date.
To contact any of our officers or to find out more information about any of our upcoming events, please click this link to fill out the Contact form on our website.